Wednesday, April 29, 2009


When you do this time trial bad weather conditions or a change of course is usually what greats you on the mroning of the time trial. Well, this year we had great weather conditions and no change of course meaning we were on the full course. Anyone that knows this course will understand just how hard it can be if the weather is bad, its bad if the weathers good!!

Having come back from Lanzarote a few days before hand I was a little stuffy nosed, from all the hard training and the travelling. Planes are not the best things to be getting on after a hard bloke of training.

As ever I had an early start which meant I was up bright and early preparing myself for the off at 8:37. On the rollers for 15 minutes getting progressivly harder and finishing off with three flat out sprints. Knowing the roads I knew what was coming and also knew just how important it was to be warmed up. The first hill of the day would come within no time at all then they just keep coming.

All in all it was a good day for me. I felt as if I rode extremely comfortably and apart from the run up to th finish I was feeling pretty good. Knowing the roads I feel gives me an advantage. Knowing the right lines to take through rough roads and when and where the hills are. If anything I actually enjoyed riding this course. I only encounted one problem throughout my ride and that was the fact that y chain managed to jump off on the penultamet climb. I dont think it had an effect on the time that I managed to achieve but it did destroy any rythum that had before this happened.

I ended up winning the womens prize by a massive 12 minutes. I was happy as it meant £50 in my back pocket, every little helps!!! I was also placed within the top half of the mens field which was also pleasing.

Next stop for me is Amsterdam on Tuesday. From there I will be going to Belguim for my first road race of the season, Het Volk. This should be another good experience. Having gained a lot of eperience from the year before I aim to build of this but it will certainly help me during this race.

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