Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rain, wind, rain, wind etc

Since arriving I have experienced all weather conditions. Glorious sunshine and heat of 20 degrees, then the reverse side of the weather system, rain and wind. The wind so far this week has been so strong that I have been riding at angles of about 45 degrees!

Training seems to be going well at the moment and I think I am adjusting to life as a rider who only has the wind and flat roads for company. Even though I am missing the hills, the wind is a good substitute and will probably work just as well. If only I could hold my bike in a straight line while going into a cross wind!!

Since my last report I have completed another race, although not as good as the last result. This time I was racing at the GP Dottignies, in the French speaking part of Belgium. Just going to this part of the country was new as I had never been to this part of Belgium before. We were so close to France we were picking up signs for Roubaix. Well after a long journey, 2hr 30mins, leaving at 8am for a race that started at 3pm!! I was not a happy bunny, but was just getting on with it. The legs didn’t feel great as soon as I got out the car. After a meal, which was free, we were back at the start area preparing for another big race. Having already complete every race that I have started this season I was looking forward to it, but surprisingly nervous! I started in a good position, lucky really as the race went off like a bullet. I managed to hold position until the pace eased then I found myself in the middle of the group. Not great but with the wind it was not too bad. I didn’t have good legs during the whole race, I was able to move up with the help of a team mate but just couldn’t hold position. This is something that I mastered in the Dolmons Classic. Never the less I soldiered on and the last hill before the finishing circuits I was moving up well. But, I was unaware of the wind that greeted us on the other side! It was strong and a cross wind. It destroyed the group. I worked hard to get back across to the peloton but our group were so close but just didn’t get back on. I was really annoyed with myself and a little pissed off. In fact I beat myself up for the rest of the race. I finished the race in the last group but just to finish was an achievement considering the about of DNF there were. I knew the race didn’t go too well but the long travel really didn’t help. I know I have good form so I am looking forward to the next races.

I have also completed my first club race of the season! 300 riders, men, women, juniors, U16, 1 crash, not bad!! The funny thing was the crash happened right in front of me, who incidentally was only a maximum of ten riders from the front! Everyone however managed to avoid this guy, who looked like he hit the floor very hard! Having been giving number 13, I quickly decided that I would turn the number up the other way, hey all the pros do it! When the crash happened I was thinking maybe the number was going to curse me, but luckily I was safe for the whole race. I attempted a sprint during this race but unfortunaly after getting myself in not such a fantastic positon I had to get out quickly. This part I managed, but just as I started to wind it up and was coming down the outside of the group someone decided they didn’t want to sprint anymore!! I had a choice hit the grass at speed, and probably hit the deck or put the brakes on. I decided the brakes where the best option!

Got to dash I’m off to ride another club race, 90mins of good racing, but using it as training!

Up next are two crit races. Should be good fast racing. The one on Monday has 100 girls in, so I’m guessing the best place to ride will be at the front of the group!!

For those that are interested the Dutch is slowly getting better and I can start to understand some conversations, and also getting confident in speaking a little bit as well. I did this at the GP Dottignies, I wanted to put some bottles in the car but was unsure where to put them. I mixed a little bit of English and Dutch together, the outcome was bidons in auto!! Well it gave the team a laugh but at least I attempted!! Radio conversations are fun as I always seem to be on the hill before I get the English translation!!

Tot Ziens

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